Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Adults Should Not Be Putting Alcohol Into Our Children’s Hands

This is the picture that will be placed on my son’s tombstone and a picture of what was left of his car.

Several people have taken it upon themselves to talk about my son badly like they had a clue what he was like and base their opinions on my son’s actions that night!

Brandan was a good boy even though he made some mistakes it doesn’t make him a bad person. We have all made mistakes in our lives “he who hasn’t sinned cast the first stone”.

Brandan had just completed his First Responder’s course and was one of the youngest members to do that. He had a good heart and wanted to be able to help people. We have heard from so many about how Brandan would help anyone in need if he could.

He made some mistakes his last night. He went to Cherry’s Sports Bar and Grill in Nevada, Missouri. He made the mistake of drinking alcohol that night which we are the first to admit is illegal because he was only 18 and he paid for that mistake with his life.

Cherry’s and its bartenders served my 18 year old boy alcohol for 5 hours that night. When we went into Cherry’s to talk to them about what had happened the female bartender behind the bar said “I know who your son was and I didn’t serve him that night.” Not something you should lie to a parent about and come to find out she sure did serve my son and his friends and on top of that didn’t card them. 

They broke the law that night by not carding my son and his friends. It is illegal to serve minors and it is against law to not card them. They are supposed to card people 40 and under. Well I know for a fact that my son didn’t begin to look 40. One of Brandan’s last texts that night is to a friend telling him to come join him and he says “I’m at Cherry’s because they don’t card LOL.” That underage friend was served without being carded as well.

Cherry’s had a drink special that night: bring two friends and get a free beer. Brandan got his free beer the sad part was the two friends that who used as his “2 friends” were neither of age and he gets a free beer out of that!?! You can’t tell me that it wasn’t all about making money that night.

So those who say its Brandan’s fault he choose to drink…he did and he made those choices that ended his life. However Cherry’s made the choices that night to serve my son and served him past the point of intoxication. To the point where he made extremely bad judgment calls including trying to drive himself and not putting on his seatbelt that night. They chose to serve other minors in the bar that night. The incident is being criminally investigated so I guess it doesn’t really matter what anyone else thinks as to who is right and who is wrong it’s for the law to decide.

We do appreciate the support that everyone has shown to us. Our family and his friends carry an extreme amount of guilt and think about all of the things we wish that we could do differently that night. We are not running around trying to blame someone for our son’s death but we are not going to accept that this was acceptable!

One of the things I absolutely refuse to do is remain quiet about what happened that night. This was a tragedy that could have been prevented I believe if they did their job at Cherry’s that night. I am not sure Cherry’s or any of its staff feel any remorse for their actions that night as they have never even apologized for their wrong doings. It is all fun and games until someone gets hurt.

My son was tragically hurt and I am going to protect my other 3 son’s from this happening to them. I am going to fight for the other teens in our community that this injustice to our youth should NOT be happening.

Adults should not be putting alcohol into our children’s hands and sending them off with their car keys in hand out into the world. If Brandan’s story makes one person think twice about serving a minor or if it makes one teen think twice about drinking or stops one person from drinking and driving, then there is good that comes from the ashes…my son’s ashes. — with Davie Evans and Brandan Evans.

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