Monday, September 02, 2013


by eddeford

Many women will no longer stop when directed by a police officer to pull over. Some will call 911 and ask for additional police to come to the scene and refuse to open their windows until backup police arrive.

Cops are known to rape or extort women for sex during highway pullovers. The situation is badly deteriorating.

It comes as no surprise that unstable, aggressive bullies gravitate to police work, and quite a few are sexual predators.

The ACLU, together with the University of Nebraska, recently prepared a report entitled “Driving While Female, A National Problem in Police Misconduct.”

Case after case has been documented of cops demanding women trade sex for the dropping of traffic charges.

Assault, rape, sex, fondling and various kinds of bizarre sexually oriented conduct are found throughout the country.

Although cops are getting prosecuted, most are probably getting away with it.

Cosma, Kini L., Hospitalized Illegally (June 25, 2011). Available at SSRN: or

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